V. Xak II: The Rising of the Red Moon (Spoilers)
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The four Demonlords have gathered
at the Demon's Seal located at Death Mountain. The time is at hand that
the Demon Army Commander Zamu Gospel shall rise once again and descend
upon the world of men, Xak. |
Gospel commands the four Demonlords
to commence the plan and fulfill an ancient prophecy that will doom
the world. He also wants the descendants of Duel, the Wargod to be eliminated
by any means necessary so that nothing can stand against them. |
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As the Legends are told, 100 years ago the evil wizard Amadok prepared a dark ritual to summon forth a powerful demon upon the world of Xak. Amadok prophesized that when certain white and black treasures were found, they would be used as a key in reviving the power of the next great demon leader (out of three, Zemu Badu being the first), Commander Zamu Gospel who would lead the demon army of Zekesis and conquer the worlds of Xak and Oceanity. The prophecy also stated that once Zamu Gospel had risen again, the moon would rise to become the color of blood and color the earth red making Gospel and his legion of demons invincible. |
It was through the power of the forest king Shanaramu that Amadok was eventually defeated and destroyed, but it was already too late and the gears of the ritual had already begun to turn. Even though he had succeeded in halting Amadok immediate ritual, it had succeeded far enough so that there could now be other demons that could potentially finish the work he had started by following his prophecies and research throughout various tomes that he had left behind for the demons to find. Shanaramu power greatly declined over the years, but he found a way to sustain himself in a spiritual form so that even beyond death he would still be able to lend guidance to someone else who was fated to stand against the demons in completing this ritual. Eighteen years prior to the start of Xak II, twin girls were born of Shanaramu lineage. Before he passed away, Shanaramu cast an enchantment upon the surrounding forests of the region where Banuwa village lay so that it would close in and make it virtually impossible to travel through in order to prevent the demons from locating the white and black treasures. The only way to make it through the forests was to use magically infused relic statues that were passed down to the families that were direct descendents of Shanaramu. One such family was the Tautook family of Banuwa village... |
Xak II: Rising of the Redmoon
The story begins with Latok and Pixie as they arrive in the forests surrounding Banuwa village. It seems as though they have been traveling for several days in the area, but have been getting more and more lost as the trees have been closing in preventing them from continuing on or returning from whence they came. As they are busy checking out the next section the forest has led them to, Pixie discovers a wounded girl who has been tied to a tree. After informing Latok about the situation, he runs over to the tree to cut her lose. This green-haired woman introduces herself as Shana Tautook. She explains to Latok that lately the forests have been invaded by goblins countless times and she has been trying to defend the village from their attacks, but this time she slipped up and she was tied to this tree, perhaps to be delivered later to the masters they serve. She offers to take Latok and Pixie to Banuwa village. As she approaches the edge of the forest, she unveils a mysterious statue that bears her family name Tautook, as she holds the statue up, the trees move aside clearing a path for them to pass through. Shana tells Latok that it is through the protection of the trees that Banuwa can be hidden from most outsiders coming from the forests. |
Upon stepping through the clearing, Latok and Pixie find themselves in Banuwa village. Shana tells them that she needs to take care of her injuries at the village clinic and she escorts them to there. The nurse thanks Latok for helping escort Shana back to the village safely and tells them that Shana has been one of the few people now left in the village who are skilled enough to try and keep the goblins and monsters at bay. She and many of the other villagers tell Latok that it seems that lately the village seems to be under attack from many monsters and demons from just about all sides. The nurse then asks if Latok will be kind enough to visit the town tavern and see if he can locate a man named Dr. Baspa and ask him to return to the clinic to help with treating Shana wounds. Latok agrees to help as besides trying to find information about the whereabouts of his father in the village, he had also heard rumors about the medical skills of Dr. Baspa, who is the most famous doctor in all of Wavis, and that he was able to develop a possible cure for his mother blindness. At the bar, he finds Dr. Baspa drunk and he tells them that he will return to the clinic when he sobers up. Meanwhile Latok looks around the village, talks with many of the villagers including the mayor, the village magician and an odd battle-hardened man named Zeke Bordeaux who runs the town armoursmith. Apparently Bordeaux once knew Latok father, but he refuses to talk about his whereabouts to Latok and gets angry with Latok when he doesn’t change the subject. Still, he offers to fix Latok badly damaged armor from the previous fight with Badu and outfits Latok with much cheaper armour until he is able to repair it. The mayor of the village, Arina informs Latok about the state of events of Banuwa village and tells him that they have been under attack by many demons over the last few months and the attacks have seemed to be getting more and more frequent. He asks Latok if he would mind speaking with the village priest to hear what he has to say. Latok visits the church and one of the nuns pays special attention to Latok as he speaks with the priest. The priest humbly asks for Latok to lend assistance to the village, especially now that even Shana seems to be overrun by the demon constant attacks. Latok agrees to help Banuwa village out and wants to figure out why there is so much demon activity in this region. Latok visits the clinic once more and tells Shana that he has accepted the priest request that he help do something about the village. Dr. Baspa, and Shana thank Latok for his offer to help and Dr. Baspa tells Latok that his father came through the village not too long ago, but he has not seen or heard from him since. Shana gives Latok her statue and tells him that he will need this in order to pass through the forest. |
Latok leaves Banuwa and makes way for the Eastern forests. At a certain point he hears a voice that seems to be guiding him to the various locations to where he can use the statue. Eventually he makes his way to a clearing where a tall tree house stands at the top of the trees. Latok enters the bottom of the tree which seems to allow him to travel rapidly to the top where he meets a sage who happens to be Shana grandmother. She explains that her families are direct descendants of the old King Shanaramu. The sage tell Latok that he must journey a bit further out and locate a magical mirror that, like the statue, contains a power left behind by Shanaramu. | ![]() |
Eventually Latok discovers a cave which contains the mirror; however when he picks it up a voice laughs at him and sends in several monsters to ambush him. After he defeats the monsters, the voice tells Latok that it is looking forward to meeting him. On the way back to the tree house Latok encounters a small caravan of peddlers and a bard named Horn Ashtar. They tell Latok that they are lost and cannot seem to find a way to Banuwa village since the trees have blocked their passage. Latok tells them how the statue works and offers to let them borrow his statue so that they can find their way into Banuwa. Latok returns to the sage in the tree house who explains that the mirror is used to access a sky bridge to the south that connects this forest to the next one where the Eastern Demonlord resides. Shana is now there at the tree house and she offers Latok another one of the family Tautook statues for him to use on his way to the sky bridge. |
After further exploration of the southern forests, Latok runs into Rune Greed from the first Xak game. Rune tells Latok that he is surprised to see him here, but he is in a hurry and cannot stick around for long. He runs off to the north and Latok follows him to the base of yet another large tree. Rune turns to Latok and waves goodbye as he enters the tree in a brilliant flash of light. Latok wonders what has happened and proceeds to enter the tree but finds that he is unable to due to some kind of force field preventing entry. After taking out Shanaramu mirror he finds that he is able to bend the light of the force field allowing him to pass through to the door at the base of the tree that leads him to the sky bridge. The sky bridge spans across a large section of the forest over the treetops and connects the two main sections of the eastern forest: Banuwa Forest and Yonder Forest. On the bridge Latok does battle with a number of harpies and carefully makes his way across as the bridge has many holes where it has fallen apart over the centuries. | ![]() |
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On the other side Latok meets the goblins that Shana has been talking about of which are ruthless creatures that seem to be controlled by the Eastern Demonlord. After exploring two caves in the yonder forest, he finally makes his way through various maze-like rooms finding several objects such as snake key and snake ring and eventually makes his way through the caverns and finally runs into a shape-shifting demon named Bigoreous. A battle commences and Latok defeats him and obtains a mysterious globe artifact, 1 of 8.
Continuing on through more caverns Latok enters the final chambers of the cave. Before entering, Latok puts on the snake ring that he has discovered earlier and goes in. A demon by the name of Bogoreous introduces himself as the Eastern Demonlord and tells Latok that he is the elder brother of Bigoreous. Bogoreous places a curse on Latok that is intended to lower his life and battle parameters but due to the power of the snake ring, Latok is unaffected by the curse. Bogoreous rage consumes him and he turns into the form of a giant earthen-rock-like demon, however Latok is able to defeat him. Just before Bogoreous dies, he tells Latok that if he wishes to make a difference in the conflict that is about to begin, he mustn’t allow the girl in the next room to fall into the hands of Gospel. Just as his brother did, Bogoreous also drops a globe artifact, 2 of 8. In the next room Latok finds a sleeping girl with green hair in the exact likeness of Shana Tautook. He carries her back to the main room where her discovers a secret passage leading to the outside of the caverns and makes his way back to Shana grandmother at the tree house. |
Shana grandmother tells Latok that she is glad he was able to rescue the girl and that the girl is actually her granddaughter, Mune and is Shana twin sister. Apparently they were both born 18 years ago and the demons attacked and captured Mune while Shana was transported to safety. All this time it seems the demons have been planning for Gospel resurrection in the world of Xak and it seems that Mune and Shana are the key to his revival. She tells Latok to take Mune to the village where she can be looked over and guarded and tells Shana to be careful in that she too may very well be a target of the demon conquest. Latok returns to Banuwa with Shana and Mune and he visits the priest and the mayor. He learns that the Eastern forests were only one location of four cardinal locations where the demon attacks had been coming from. The east was now secure with the defeat of the Eastern Demonlord Bogoreous and they thank him for that, but they ask if he will lend assistance with the next threatening area, that of Crystal Valley to the west. The mayor tells Latok that his daughter and several of the town sailors had journeyed to the mines of Crystal Valley, but never returned and it seems that all of the villagers who go to the mines to try and help become missing and never return as well. Latok agrees to help find Mayor Arina daughter and the missing villagers. He stops by the armour shop on his way out and Bordeaux congratulates Latok on his defeat of the Demonlord and begins to start acting nicer to Latok as he has shown true skill in swordsmanship like his father, however he still doesn’t tell Latok the whereabouts of his father. The town magician takes a look at one of the demon tomes that Latok has found in the caverns of the Eastern forests and translates it for him. The tome reads: "When the Demonking rules the black treasure, the Red Moon will ascend and rule the Earth. But this can only be done when the black treasure is captured." The magician tells Latok that she will translate any further demon texts that he comes across. With all the information in hand, Latok journeys west into Crystal Valley. |
Upon reaching the valley, he sees a man walking along a bridge that seems to cross the valley to other side; however the man seems to be arguing with a voice. The voice warns the man that it is too late to save anyone and laughs as a sudden lightning bolt strikes the bridge and the man falls clinging on to the side of the ravine for dear life. Latok rushes over to help the man who climbs to his feet and thanks Latok for helping him. The man introduces himself as Ferdinand and welcomes Latok and Pixie to join him at his residence to the north. At Ferdinand residence, Ferdinand and his wife explain that the Crystal Valley mines were very active, supplying jobs for many of the villagers as they mined an ore known as Blue Stone for export and trade with other nations. However, several months back demons started to attack the mines and it seems as though the demons were investing it from the very bottom of the mines. After several villagers went to help, they were turned to into crystal by some unseen force and Ferdinand was able to escape. However, his daughter was taken into the mines by demons and ever since he had been trying to get to her in the mines, but had been unsuccessful since the demons were far too powerful for an old man with an injured back to handle. He implores Latok that if he is to journey to the mines, to please look for his daughter, Monica, while he is there. As a favor, he gives Latok a pair of magical glasses and tells him that he will need to use them in order to see the hidden passageways marked on certain walls within the mines. Latok thanks Ferdinand and his wife and makes way for the Crystal Valley mines. |
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Eventually Latok finds his way through the many floors of the mine maze and discovers a key that will allow him to use an ancient elevator system inside the mine that seem to run on power source from the Blue Stone mineral ore, as well as another demon tome. Latok uses the elevator key to descend to the bottom most level of the mines and eventually makes his way to an underground river and a cavern composed almost completely of Blue Stone ore. It is there that he finds Monica, Mayor Arina daughter and several other villagers that have been turned into statues made of crystal. As Latok enters into what appears to be an old shrine, he discovers the second of the four Demonlords, the Western Demonlord Ebu Fyl. She sends a hellhound after Latok and when it is defeated tells him that the four Demonlords will bring about the resurrection of Lord Zemu Gospel. She fights with Latok and dies leaving behind a globe, 3 of 8.
Latok returns to the surface where he finds Ferdinand, his wife and Monica who thank him for what he has done. Monica gives Latok a special pendant made of an extremely potent Blue Stone material. | ![]() |
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Latok returns to the village and after much praise from the mayor and villagers, he is beckoned to visit the church. There he finds Shana who tells him that Mune has just awakened, but it is important that Latok speak with a certain purple-haired nun. Latok turns his attention to this particular nun who reveals herself as Fell Bow, the sister of General Nill Bow from Fortress Molum, and also the individual Latok was supposed to deliver the Nill Bow letter and package to. She explains that she has been watching over Latok progress and his triumph over Badu and explains that she believes that Latok is the only one who can stop this new demon threat that is upon them. Her family has been secretly entrusted to protect the Xak Dipoles and she processes the White Xak Dipole. She also tells Latok that Zeke Bordeaux is fixing and outfitting Latok armour with the 3 Xak Dipoles that he already has so that they will be permanently attached to Duel armour. Fell tells Latok that the 3 globes Latok has already collected will be the key to defeating the demons once he possesses all eight of them. She tells him that it seems that it is Latok destiny as the chosen one to continue the work of his ancestor Duel and that he must now journey to Caulyan Castle in order to locate the fourth globe. In order to proceed to Caulyan Castle, he should seek out Miria and Ray Deal as they have the key to unlock the castle door. |
Latok enters the tavern where he finds Ray Deal drunk and Miria arguing with him about picking up his life and not wasting it away. When Latok first approaches Ray he is too drunk to give Latok any useful advice and Miria tells Latok what happened. She says that her husband Ray used to be the captain of the ship called the Sinary, named after the Goddess of Wind. However one day when his crew investigated the Crystal Valley mines, his entire crew was turned into statues by Ebu Fyl and to this day Ray blamed himself. Miria thanks Latok for saving his crew from the mines and says that there was something else that also troubled him. | ![]() |
A long time ago she, Ray and Jerome Vordis, his best friend and first mate of the ship, visited the castle of Caulyan which had been overtaken by demons to the south in order to search for a legendary artifact known as the Wind Sword that lay hidden somewhere in the castle. This powerful relic was said to be able to control and generate winds by just thinking about it. Since Ray ship, the Sinary, was named after the Goddess of Wind, he wanted to secure this artifact in order allow the ship to sail anywhere at an impressive speed. However, the sword was also said to be cursed and that only certain individuals, ones of a strong spiritual ability could wield the sword and be left untainted by it evil presence within. However, Jerome Vordis was able to find the sword first, but soon realized that the power contained in this sword was much too powerful for Jerome's will and spirit to control and thus it summoned Abu Baal, a demon skilled in possessing and corrupting the minds of human victims. Baal consumed Jerome and Jerome became Abu Baal completely and had full control over the Wind Sword. Miria tells Latok that she was able to get the key to the castle from one of the engineers named Pogwill Arst before the demons captured him. Only Ray and Miria were able to get away as the left Jerome behind. Using this new incredible power, Jerome who was now Baal, took over Castle Caulyan and forced the engineers of the castle to design specialized mechanical death traps and hidden passageways throughout the castle in case anyone tried to come take the Wind Sword from him. Ever since this incident costing him his best friend and the incident at Crystal Valley costing him his crew, Ray had never been the same since, always coming to the bar to drink his pain and suffering away. Latok tells Mira and Ray that he will go to Castle Caulyan and will try to help Jerome if he can. |
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Before heading to the castle, Latok stops by the armoursmith shop to speak with Zeke Bordeaux, however his armour is still not completely ready. This time, Bordeaux admits to knowing Latok's father and that he was a great man who would do anything for Wavis, but unfortunately he saw his father die with his own eyes. He tells Latok that he must continue the work his father started as that was his final wish before he died. Latok takes the news of his father’s death as well as he can as he prepares for the journey to Castle Caulyan. As he enters the southern section of Banuwa village, he sees a cloaked man who tells Latok that he if he wishes to go to the castle, he only need to use the magic of the fountain to transport there. Latok is unsure what he means, but he steps into the fountain and instantly the water flows upward with such force that it lifts him into the air and carries him over a great distance to an identical fountain located at the courtyard of Castle Caulyan. |
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Latok takes the key that Miria gave to him and enters the castle. Inside he finds the place completely overrun by heavily armoured demons and demon soldiers as well as undead. Latok makes his way to the top floor of the Eastern wing of the castle where he fights against a Wind Elemental who is under the control of the demon Baal. Just before the elemental dies she tells Latok that he must free Jerome Vordis from Baal and gives Latok the moon key and an artifact called the Wind Medal that she explains will be useful when exploring the castle. In various place Latok finds that he can use the power of the Wind Medal at various holes within the castle walls as it allows him to shrink in size and travel in secret corridors in between the castle’s rooms. However while exploring these small corridors, Latok finds that while he is about 1:15 scale of his original size, the rats living in the corridors were now 2-3 times his size and extremely hungry. After awhile of searching through the secret corridors, Latok finds a treasure chest containing two metal bars that look as though they can be inserted into some kind of device. Latok exits the secret corridor tunnels and returns to his normal size and visits the basement of the Eastern wing of the castle. There he uses the moon key and enters a room containing a machine that seems to be missing a bar to operate it. Latok puts one of the bars that he found earlier in the tunnels into the machine and operates it and hears a clanking noise off in the distance. After exiting the room and taking a look around, Latok finds a treasure chest containing an odd suit that appears to be a diving suit developed for underwater breathing as well as a hatch that must have opened up when he operated the machine. After careful investigation of the hatch, he notices that the passage below seems to be completely flooded and he puts the diving suit on to descend. Taking one step at a time through the flooded rooms below, he dodges the attacks of a giant crab that was most likely put there for defense by the demons in order to try and prevent those who would use the passageways. |
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On the other side, Latok arrives in another section of the castle where he meets a man who introduces himself as Engineer Pogwill Arst, who is surprised to see another human being. He explains that a year ago he was imprisoned in this room and that he, along with his master engineer Kashoko Saiten were forced to help the demons with their experiments to try and revive some kind of divine power as well as develop traps all around the castle. However, after awhile Pogwill had refused to cooperate with them and did his best to stall them and they locked him away in the castle where it would be difficult for anyone to rescue him. He tells Latok that the key to the demon’s experiments success lies in the secrets of harnessing the power of the Blue Stone that is mined from Crystal Valley. Latok shows him the pendant made from the Blue Stone and Pogwill becomes very intrigued by it. He offers Latok a trade for the Sun Key in exchange for the Blue Stone and Latok agrees. Pogwill states that he may be able to escape using the stone and that it’s properties could be used to possibly create an airship. He then tells Latok that Baal is in the top-most floor of the Western wing of the castle, but in order to get to him he must travel through a floor filled with the army of the undead and that being in the very presence of them without a holy charm of some kind will drain the very life energy from him. Latok thanks Pogwill for his information and travels to the Western wing of the castle. |
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Before he is able to cross to the other side of the castle, he sees that the bridge has been destroyed and he has to jump from the tree tops of some very tall trees that used to be used for the bridge support. As he makes it over to the Western side of the castle he descends to the bottom most level and uses the second bar in the machine just as before revealing yet another hatch and underwater passageway. |
Before he is able to cross to the other side of the castle, he sees that the bridge has been destroyed and he has to jump from the tree tops of some very tall trees that used to be used for the bridge support. As he makes it over to the Western side of the castle he descends to the bottom most level and uses the second bar in the machine just as before revealing yet another hatch and underwater passageway. On the other side of the underwater passageway, Latok acquires a Holy Charm located in some kind of hidden church shrine that the demons must have never found. With the charm in-hand, Latok finally makes his way to the upper floors of the Western tower carefully avoiding many traps and demons along the way. Eventually he reaches a floor where it the army of undead awaits him and he is able to use the Holy Charm to eliminate all of them without having his life-force drained. |
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Latok finally reaches the top-most floor and is about to enter the chamber where Baal lies when Bigoreous, Bogoreous and Ebu Fyl appear before him. Surprised, Latok steps back unsure as to how he will be able to defeat them all at once. They laugh and tell him that they've been given a second chance in order to kill Latok. Latok draws his sword and is ready to fight when Ray Deal and the entire crew of the Sinary show up. Ray tells Latok to leave the three Demonlords to them while Latok proceeds to the throne room to deal with Baal. Latok thanks Ray and runs inside where Baal, the Southern Demonlord awaits him. |
Baal tells Latok that he is longer the vessel of Jerome Vordis and that the Windsword has made it possible for the complete incarnation of the demon Baal. Power has obviously gone to his head as he states that the power of the Windsword has made him the strongest of all the Demonlords, perhaps even stronger than Zamu Gospel himself and that once Latok has fallen to his might, his power will be limitless. With that being said he sends both Latok and himself high into the sky overlooking the entire geography of the region of Banuwa as they drift on air currents and Baal transforms into a giant grotesque looking demon. However, Baal loses and they return once again to the throne room. Baal seems to have left Vordis’ body however he has sustained too great an injury and he tells Latok that he greedily stole the power of the Windsword that was originally meant for Ray and asks for Latok to give the Windsword to Ray as he has a spirit powerful enough to resist the demon of the sword. He also gives Latok another globe, 4 of 8 and explains that the globes and Xak’s elements ensure the demon’s transmigration. Bogoreous was of the Earth, Ebu Fyl was of the Blue Stone and Baal was of the Wind. He continues on saying that if the demons complete the ritual the Redmoon rises then the demons will become invincible and that he must not let the demons fulfill the ritual by gaining the key. |
Vordis dies and collapses to the ground just as Ray enters and Latok explain what had happened during the battle with Baal and that the Windsword is now his as Vordis wanted. Ray advises Latok to return to the village and see what he can do about the Northern Demonlord in possibly preventing the completion of the ritual. Latok agrees and returns to the village via a teleport scroll.
As Latok arrives back in Banuwa village, he learns that Shana has been kidnapped by a man clad in black robes. The village magician tells Latok that the last demon tome volume has been translated and it tells about a prophecy in which the white and black treasures are used to revive the great demon of the Xak world. Apparently the Sorcerer Amadok has once performed the ritual long ago and even though he was unsuccessful, he wrote down his notes on how the ritual could be carried out. "The Red Moon will rise to color the earth red when the black treasure vanishes and the Great Demon Gospel will descend upon the world." Shana and Mune as twins correspond to the white and black treasures foretold in the prophecy. Latok thanks the magician and visit the church where he speaks with Fell Bow. She confirms that the town was attacked by a man dressed in black robes and a horde of demon and although Rune Greed, Zeke Bordeaux and Horn Ashtar tried to defend the village, they seemed to be completely powerless against this man. She tells him that the Xak Dipoles have been restored to full power once the prophecy of Shana being kidnapped came to pass as though they could sense a great evil approaching. Fell tells Latok that he must now go to an area of the demon seal known as Death Mountain, where the ritual will take place in order to stop the ritual and save Shana. | Death Mountain |
Zeke Bordeaux finishes the repairs on Latok’s armour free of charge and tells him that he is worthy of having the title of legendary fencer just as he and Latok’s father had been given when they were under the service of the King of Wavis. The village magician also enchants Latok’s newly restored armour pieces with the highest level enchantment free of charge and Latok is now ready to face his final challenges that await him in the Northern seas and at the shores of Death Mountain.
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As Latok is about to board Ray’s ship, the Sinary at Banuwa’s port to the north and depart for the mountain an unexpected visitor arrives. It seems Fray has finally caught up with Latok from her own personal journey in Fray in Magical Adventure. Latok is happy to see her and surprised that she went through so much trouble to learn magic at the Mirsia academy. Fray tells Latok that she wishes to accompany them on their quest and gets into it with Pixie of whom is not excited to see Fray and tells her that she is still a child. Latok tells Fray that he would feel better if she stayed behind especially since it seems that Pixie and Fray would fight the entire way. Feeling very disappointed Fray tells Latok that she'll stay behind and leaves the port. Latok board the ship and Ray uses the power of his newly acquired Windsword to change the currents as necessary to reach Death Mountain.
After some time passes, some noises are heard in the captain’s quarters of the ship and after investigating it turns out to be Fray who has refused to stay behind and teleported to the ship from Banuwa. Fray and Pixie start to get into an argument again when suddenly the ship is attacked by demons. Latok, Bordeaux, Rune, Ray and Horn fight off many of the demons on the deck of the ship and Fray teleports them one by one to safety once they become overwhelmed or too tired to fight while Dr. Baspa immediately starts to work on their injuries. Just as the situation looks too drastic to survive the Northern Demonlord appears before them at bow of the ship laughing at their mediocre efforts to try and stop him as he reveals himself as the Necromancer from Xak I. Latok recognizes him immediately as the same man from Zeglard Tower. The Necromancer greets Latok and tells him that it is good to see him again. He reveals that he has captured Mune now as her unconscious body floats in front of him held up by a powerful magical force. He cackles at Latok and tells him to watch how powerless they are as he absorbs Ray inside his body and tells Latok that he was not strong enough to defeat him back at Zeglard and he won’t be able to destroy him now either. However Latok calls out to Ray telling him not to give in to the Necromancer's power and something happens that the Necromancer doesn't count on. Due to Ray’s spiritual level being higher than most, he tries to find a way to destroy the Necromancer from inside his body and calls out to Latok telling him that if they work together they can destroy him. The Necromancer is enraged by this and fights Latok, however Latok is able to defeat the Necromancer. Just before the Necromancer dies he uses the last of his power to destroy the ship and everyone aboard is thrown overboard into the seas. |
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Latok awakens on Far Island situated close to Death Mountain where a old woman appears to have dragged him from the ocean an onto the beach. Latok thanks the woman and asks her if she has seen his friends. The woman tells him that she has not, but that he mustn’t worry about that now as the time is at hand and she has been expecting him. She hands Latok the Book of Seal which the woman says he will need to fight against Gospel and tells him that he must go to the Seal Temple, which was built by Zamuza the Wise as it holds the God’s greatest treasure. Latok opens the book to take a look at it which makes the Red Dipole on his sword vanish. Surprised that this book made the Dipole disappear, Latok inquires as to who the woman is. The woman tells him that where is going he will no longer have a need for his current sword and that all will be explained in time and she too vanishes. After reading the book it tells him the following: “On the Far Island near Demon’s Gorge, in front of the demon’s arrival gate the God’s greatest treasure is hidden. When the eight globes are found the holy beast will carry the God’s chosen one to the demon.” |
With the book in hand Latok heads north and finds himself at the Seal Temple. It is there that Latok finds the last two remaining globes and he sets them various statues along the way that open up various warp mirrors that correspond to Shanaramu’s mirror. Eventually after much puzzle solving Latok finds a Sword Key and makes his way to the final room. There he finds an extremely powerful artifact from the war against the demons, the Xak Sword. This sword was said to have amplified the power of the Xak Dipoles and was originally used by Duel during the war. Latok retrieves the sword from it’s pedestal and a voice from the sword speaks to Latok and says that he has been waiting for the chosen one. The voice introduces himself as an ancient D’jinn that inhabits the sword and was a friend of Duel during the war. Latok pulls the sword from it's pedistal and adds it's awesome power to his own. | ![]() |
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With the sword in-hand Latok leaves the temple and the sword summons a great phoenix big enough for Latok to ride upon. It also summons the help of the blue dragon from the first Xak game and together they fly over Demon’s Gorge and head for Death Mountain. After fighting against a legion of powerful demons Latok encounters the biggest dragon he has ever seen, the King Wyvern which was the king of the dragon race and the first of their kind. However the King Wyvern is under Gospel’s control and it appears that they have been too late to prevent his resurrection. |
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a very difficult battle the King Wyvern is killed and Latok lands at
the edge of the temple where the demon’s seal is located, but
the blue dragon is unable to continue living now that the dragon king
is dead. |
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Latok thanks the blue dragon for everything it has done and it passes away as Latok prepares to enter the temple. Pixie stays behind since Latok’s aura of Xak seems to be too strong a presence and is causing some kind of abnormal reaction from within her. Latok enters the temple and after passing through an ancient corridor, he makes his way to the demon’s seal where he finds the Demon Commander Zamu Gospel waiting for him. Gospel tells Latok that the rise of the redmoon is at hand just as the sorcerer Amadok had predicted. The final battle between Latok and Gospel commences and midway through the battle Gospel dons a gigantic set of demon armour but in the end he is defeated by Duel’s descendent.
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Latok finds Mune and she wakes up asking where she is. Latok reassures her that everything is fine and that she has nothing more to worry about. As Latok rejoins Pixie outside the temple he finds that Pixie has grown to the size of a human due to the power of Xak that Latok processes. Pixie tells Latok that she hails from the world Oceanity and the power of Xak allows her kind to become the size of humans. She also tells Latok her real name, that of Lou Miri, but asks Latok just to call her Lou Pixie from now on. | ![]() |
Together they all join their friends back at the Seal Temple where it seems that everyone aboard the Sinary made it to the island alive and were saved by the world’s first airship that had recently been developed by Engineer Pogwill Arst through is research of the Blue Stone ore. Rune tells Latok that he is looking forward to making it home to his wife and daughter, Bordeaux tells Latok that he has fulfilled his father’s wish and Dr. Baspa tells Latok that he would be honored to send Latok home with the cure to his mother’s blindness. As everyone boards the airship one at a time, Latok once again meets the mysterious woman from before who reveals herself as the spirit of Zamuza who was also known in life as the forest king Shanaramu. She tells him that all will be well now with Shana and her sister Mune and commends him on his triumph over Gospel. Latok boards the airship as it sets sail back to Banuwa village and Fearless village. | ![]() |
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The game ends with each of the characters going their separate ways over the course of several weeks. Dr. Baspa and Zeke Bordeaux still get drunk each night at the village tavern, Rune retires the swordsman trade to spend time with his wife and daughter, Horn Ashtar and Fell Bow become romantically entwined as they travel the world together, Ray and Miria Deal sail once again together on the newly restored Sinary, Shana and her sister Mune catch up on lost time as the two of them go traveling together and as for Fray, Pixie and Latok…
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Fray and Pixie, of whom have not been getting along with each other and are currently engaged in an argument over who will be courting Latok first when Latok’s mother explains that Latok has just recently gone out on a date with his childhood friend Elise. This of course shocks the both of them completely and the game ends with a scene of Latok and Elise talking and relaxing in a secluded forest area near Fearless village.