Xak Series Timeline
Xak: The Art of Visual Stage
Fray In Magical Adventure
Xak II: The Rising of the Red Moon
VI. Xak Precious Package: The Tower of Gazzel
Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence
III. Xak
I: The Art of Visual Stage (Spoilers)
As legends
have it, there were some gods that were more worthy than others and some gods
that accomplished many great deeds during the war with the demons. One god
in particular, the god of war, Duel, fought against one of the most ancient
and purest of evil demons. The name of this demon was Zemu Badu. Badu was
not only one of the most powerful demons the world had ever seen, but he had
the innate ability to use an ancient form of coercion magic to control the
hearts and minds of men and use them for his advantage during the war of the
demon invasion. Duel was able to defeat Badu, and seal him away for 250 years.
However, Duel was unable to destroy Badu completely because he lacked the
power known as Xak, the very power of the world itself. As the world entered
into a new era of peace, the gods that remained in the human world of Xak
weakened and some of them settled down and lived out the rest of their lives
with humans. Duel retired to a small village that would come to be known as
Fearless perhaps named after the courage of Duel and as a reminder of his
legacy and impact on the world.
250 years later, an unknown
man approaches the icy tomb in a desolate region known as Bazuud where Zemu
Badu has been sealed and is somehow able to break the seal, once again releasing
this terror upon the world. Immediately thereafter the monsters and demons
remaining in the world become more and more numerous and far more hostile
than they had ever been before. An earthquake occurs near the town of Fearless
in an area called Molum where the royal palace of the Kingdom of Wavis is
The next morning, a sixteen-year-old
boy by the name of Latok Kart awakens to a new day in the village of Fearless;
only on this day all of the villagers seem to be in panic over the sudden
increase of hostile monsters and the destruction caused by a recent earthquake.
Latok lives with and takes care of his blind mother. His father left the
village to take care of something awhile back but has been missing for
quite some time. |
As Latok meets with the
other villagers in town to assess what has essentially happened overnight,
he visits the house of his friend Elise, of whom is the town mayor's daughter.
It is here that Latok first meets Pixie, a green-haired pixie fairy who
are used primarily by the Kingdom of Wavis as a messenger service. Pixie
has been sent directly by the King of Wavis to deliver a letter to the
head of the Kart family. The letter was originally intended to go to his
father, but since his father has been missing it is given to Latok. The
letter explains that the Kingdom of Wavis is in danger. 250 years ago
a powerful demon called Badu attacked the Eastern Kingdom of Wavis. Duel,
the God of War defeated Badu and his soul was sealed in an eternal wall
of ice to the north of Wavis. Recently, Badu has been revived in the world
yet again and is just as strong now as he was 250 years ago and has preceded
to attacked the royal house using an army of monsters that are under his
control. The letter also explains to Latok that he and his father are
descendants of Duel and that they would stand the best chance against
Badu and to please consider taking up arms against this threat. |
Latok tells Pixie that it
is hard to believe that he is a descendant from a legendary hero, let alone
a god, but he will leave the village to see what he can do. Pixie gives Latok
a crest that symbolizes royalty of the Kingdom of Wavis and he is informed
that he will need to show this as proof to those loyal to the king on his
journey. Pixie also tells him that his first destination should be the Fortress
Molum which is the first line of defense guarding the route to the royal palace.
As Latok travels the world fighting monsters along the way, he enters a forest
clearing where it seems that the trees themselves are possessed by something
evil and are attacking anyone who comes near. He finds that it is impossible
to travel this route unless something is done to weaken the trees.
Latok decides to search
the nearby forest for clues as to what could be causing the trees to attack
people. There he finds a blue-haired girl by the name of Fray who has
sustained injury from the monsters roaming this region. Latok fights the
monsters off and carries the girl back to her nearby home where her father,
Domic Jerbain asks Latok if he can take her to a hospital. Latok takes
Fray to Fearless village where he leaves her in the care of the village
nurse. (*Note* There is a humourous optional
scene if Latok visits Elise in town while carrying Fray as she becomes
very jealous of her and inquires as to who the girl might be. lol) |
Latok revisits Fray's
father who thanks him and explains that was his family's job to take
care of the great tree, but the tree has become corrupt with evil and
he asks Latok if he will try to find a way to calm it. Latok agrees
and sets off to do battle with this evil entity that possessed the tree.
Latok wins the battle and is able to now defeat the smaller trees with
ease on his way to Fort Molum.
At Fort Molum he finds that monsters
have overtaken the entire fort and that most of the soldiers have been
killed. After exploring Latok finds three survivors, each of which give
Latok the items and equipment he needs to get through the dungeons of
the fort, however he has to first show them proof that he is on a mission
from the King as well provide miscellaneous items that can be found at
various places inside the fort, such as medicine and soup. Latok finds
a chest and a letter written by General Nill Bow who talks about the monsters
taking siege of the fort and instructions to deliver the letter to his
sister Fell Bow of Banuwa village. |
Eventually Latok finds
the exit door to the road that will lead him to the royal palace, however
the door is blocked with water pressure from a room in the basement. Latok
goes to this room to find the cause and does battle with a water dragon
there. |
After the battle he finds
a broken statue of Duel and it is through the medium of this statue that
Duel speaks to Latok telling him that he has done well thus far in his
quest, but at his present status he is not yet strong enough to defeat
Badu because he is not yet prepared to use the power of Xak. Duel explains
to Latok that even though Latok has already made so much progress, he
is not yet ready to take on Badu. He tells Latok that when he defeated
Badu 250 years ago, he wanted to destroy him completely and seal him away
using the power of the Xak, the most powerful power, that of the world
itself and nature. He tells Latok that whoever can control the Xak can
harness the power of the world, but this power can only be channeled by
those who spend their lives praying to their gods and have passed it from
father to son. Latok asks Duel if it is possible for someone like him
to use this power and Duel tells him that it is possible to channel this
power if one possesses the three Xak dipoles. These small gems act as
antennae in harnessing the power of Xak if brought together. With this
dipole magic, people who are not trained can use the power of Xak. The
blue gem symbolizes Xak spirit, the red gem is Xak force and the green
colored gem represents Xak soul. After the conversation, Latok finds the
Blue Xak Dipole and exits the fort to find that the road to the palace
has been destroyed. Standing on the edge of the cliff is a man who introduces
himself as the commander of the fort, Bell Well. Bell explains and apologizes
to Latok that he was the one who destroyed the path to the palace in order
to protect it and it was this destruction of the path that caused the
earthquake. He tells Latok that there is another path that is considered
a secret back entrance to the palace in cave located next to the town
of Normana which is isolated deep within the Western venomous marsh. Latok
leaves the fort and travels to the town of Normana. |
On the way there Latok
finds Bobby, the blacksmith pacifist son wounded on the road. Bobby
tells Latok that he was hurt fighting demons and asks him for help back
to the town. Latok is about to help him, when something that Bobby says
strikes him as odd in that Bobby being a pacifist would most likely
not take up arms against the demons. He declines to help him and Bobby
gets angry revealing himself as a lesser demon.
you choose yes to his question, then the demon-Bobby gets close enough
to kill Latok at point-blank range. Yes, sometimes it pays off to actually
pay attention to RPG townsfolk dialogue gibberish. = ) |
At the town of Normana Latok meets
with the village elder and asks him for permission to use the gondola
lift in order to descend to the base of the mountain where the entrance
to underground passage lies. The villagers also warn Latok of a demon
that lives below in the underground passage and to be careful. As Latok
explores the underground caverns he has a few run-ins with a group of
pirates who have been using the cave as a hideout. At their camp he finds
a unique red jewel and saves it since it might be important later. Further
in the cave after magically removing a sealed wall, he finds a man trapped
in a holding cell asking for help. As Latok saves him, he introduces himself
as Zuun and teleports to Normana village. Having a gut instinct on whether
or not he has done right by setting this man free, he also returns to
Normana village. Latok arrives to find that the villagers of Normana are
being attacked by Zuun, who has transformed himself into a demon. As Latok
approaches him, he tells Latok that in exchange for setting him free,
he is welcome to join his cause and work for Badu and the demon army.
(* If you say yes, then Latok, Zuun and
Badu lay siege to Wavis Kingdom any other opposing kingdoms and the world
is overtaken by the demons.) Latok declines, telling him that it
is his mission to destroy Badu. They battle in the village and in the
end Zuun is killed. After saving the villagers, Latok is awarded the ESP
medal from the village elder to use in the underground caverns to speak
with spirits and obtain access to hidden royal family security checkpoints
in the form of a rockbiter wall face. |
Returning to the underground passage,
Latok makes his way to the end of the cave where he goes through these
various rockbiter checkpoints who ask him to show proof of royalty to
proceed. Eventually Latok reaches a clearing where he fights the guardian
of the underground passageway: a Fire Elemental, Water Elemental and a
fused version of both. Latok passes through one final test of the cavern
called the Vicksvorm Gate, that requires a royal gem that Latok found
from the pirates. |
Latok makes his way into
the underground hobbit village of Nemnu, where he learns of villagers
who have disappeared in the Tower of Zeglard bordering the town. The villagers
who go to check out what has happened to the previous villagers never
come back either. Latok tells the Mayor that he will enter the tower to
find out what has happened to them. Standing in front of the entrance
of the tower is a green haired swordsman who introduces himself as Rune
Greed, who happens to be another descendent of Duel. Rune however judges
Latok by his age and the appearance of his lesser equipment and tells
him that it will be impossible for him to complete his task and that he
should go home and let him handle the situation with Badu and the demons.
Latok tries not to pay attention to the cocky swordsman and proceeds into
the tower. |
The Tower of Zeglard seems
to be almost like a tomb as it is filled with undead creatures and demons
of all kinds as well as traps. On one of the floors Latok finds a ghost who
tells him that his name is Kane and he is an apprentice mage from Nemnu village
that accidentally cast a spell on himself turning him into a specter and to
please help him find a cure if possible. Latok also discovers a family of
small miniature gnomes living in one of the treasure chests inside the tower
as well as a spirit of a warrior who died in battle who asks that Latok deliver
the message of his untimely death to his sister Yui who lives in Nemnu. Latok
helps recover the gnome family daughter, receives a dispel magic scroll, uses
the scroll on the Kane and returns to Nemnu where he tells the Yui about her
bother and Kane insists that Latok take one of his rabbit familiars as a pet.
Latok accepts and names it Rabby which turns out to be rather useful at finding
items for Latok in the future. Just before Latok returns to the tower he learns
from one of the villagers that a man wearing a black robe came to town and
abducted Pixie. Latok ascends to the upper floors of the tower and the spirit
of the warrior presents Latok with a broadsword as he leaves the world behind.
Finally upon reaching the top-most floor Latok enters a chamber where a man
wearing a black robe has been waiting for him. The man introduces himself
as the Necromancer and decides to test Latok strength by summoning a horde
of undead monsters in waves that Latok has to fight. After the battle the
Necromancer congratulates Latok on his display of strength and makes an offer
for Latok to join the Necromancer and Badu side. (*
If you choose yes, then Latok, the Necromancer and Badu lay waste to the rest
of the world and destroy the human cities and either kill or enslave the population.)
Latok tells him that he will never join him and the Necromancer cackles in
laughter as he vanishes.
Using the exit of Zeglard
Tower, Latok finds himself deep within the underground known as the Land of
Fire, which as it sounds is a place of red earth and molten fire. Latok finds
a small cave where survivors of another one of the Wavis army outposts, the
Fortress of Flame, are held up fearing for their lives. They inform Latok
that demons have taken over the fortress. A girl named Rachael tells Latok
that her father had gone to the fortress in order to find a medicine for her
sick baby brother but had not returned yet. Latok tells her that he will go
to the Fortress of Flame and Rachael gives him a fire cloak that she explains
will be necessary for passing through certain areas of the fortress.
Latok enters the Fortress
of Flame and finds Rachael's father. He gives Latok the medicine he needs
to save his son but Latok has to leave him behind due to their only way
out being that of a bridge across a pit of lava that takes one person
to operate the switch. After returning to Rachael's hideout and delivering
the medicine, Latok learns that in order to get to the royal palace he
must find the Dragon Ring hidden somewhere within the Fortress of Flame.
With it, he will be able to summon the power of the Great Blue Dragon,
which is loyal to the royal family and fly to the palace gates. |
Latok journeys back to the
fortress, finds the ring and summons the dragon. Latok rides on the back of
the dragon as they fly through a valley overlooking a river of fire fending
off many creatures made of fire that attack them. Eventually they have to
battle against the protector of the royal palace, a giant fire salamander
who has is under Badu's control. Eventually Latok makes it to the area surrounding
the royal palace where he finds Rune Greed wounded.
Rune tells Latok that he didn't
live up to being the hero he thought he was as the Fire Salamander defeated
him and he barely survived the attack. He tells Latok to take his sword, that
of a great sword and defeat Badu, but be wary of the maze lies ahead. Latok
takes the sword and continues North where a warp maze awaits him. The warp
mage was put in place as a final measure of security by the royal family in
that only a person that knew the correct path would eventually make it to
the palace gates.
Latok is able to figure out the maze
and make his way to the palace gate. Before heading inside, Duel talks
to Latok again telepathically. He tells him that with the power of Xak,
he may be able to defeat Badu once and for all and tells Latok that he
should equip each of the three Xak Dipoles that he possesses on his sword,
armour and shield respectively. Latok does this and the Xak Dipoles resonate
with his weapon and equipment making him more powerful than he has ever
been before. |
Latok steps through the gate
to find that the other side has been converted into some kind of Netherworld
version of itself. As Latok approaches the end of the tunnel to a cliff-side
overlooking what seems to be an endless abyss below, Pixie appears before
him. However, Pixie is not herself and she speaks to Latok as though every
word she says is being controlled by Badu. Badu tells Latok that he has been
looking forward to their meeting and that his father, the one he has been
so inclined to search for was controlled just as easily as Pixie is before
him and was the one who released Badu from his prison. After releasing him,
Latok's father went into shock and disappeared. Latok, filled with rage attacks
Badu and the final battle begins.
After the battle, Badu is
completely destroyed by the power of Xak that Latok possesses and Pixie regains
consciousness and asks Latok about what she had been doing all this time.
Latok simply calms her down telling her that it was all a dream and that they
should return to their friends and family in Fearless village.
Latok arrives in Fearless
village where the villagers are all waiting for him to congratulate him on
his victory. Fray, the blue haired girl of whom was saved by Latok earlier
in the adventure runs toward Latok to embrace a hug when her clumsy demeanor
kicks in causing her to trip and fall over. The game ends with Latok holding
Elise and Pixie flying next to a dissapointed Fray.
After the credits, a conversation
between the Necromancer and Zamu Gospel, the commander of the Demon Army,
commences speaking of the newfound power that Latok Kart possesses and how
he will be a formidable opponent. Gospel explains that it will be only a matter
of time before the descendent of Duel is defeated....