Here is a bit more information regarding the [Another] Xak manga, or comic. This comic, written and illustrated by popular manga artist Seta Noriyasu was originally published in 1992 in a rare Japanese only magazine called Comic PC World/ Comic Saga and was originally intended on being two parts. Unfortunately this comic went under and the manga was never finished leaving off with a "To be Continued?" at the end. Due to popular demand, the comic was then re-released in 1995 in Doujinshi form (fan comic), however Seta Noriyasu was asked if he would develop 60 additional pages so that the comic could have enough pages in total to be published in manga form (manga books are far more popular and easier to print). However by then, Noriyasu san had already too much to take on at the time and did not consider the Xak manga to be one of his best works and decided not to continue it. Opinions aside, the book is whopping 130 pages long and filled with beautiful artwork and an interesting story to boot.
I do own the manga as I have recently acquired it through an auction and while I myself am not a translator, what I can gather from the book is that it takes place after Xak III or perhaps just before it as the main villains from all three major games are refferenced. Latok and company have entered a strange mist that has taken them back in time to a time period 5 years after the God's decision to split the world into three parts. There they meet some interesting new characters including Duel, the God of War, of whom is Latok and Rune's ancestor. It is a shame that this manga was never finished, but there is not much one can do about that other than use our imaginations as to what happened next. To clarify, although this manga is published in doujinshi form, it however should not be classified as a normal doujinshi as it was commissioned to a professional manga artist most likely by Microcabin themselves for display in the Comic PC World/Comic Saga magazine. While I cannot confirm this as fact or not, the verdict is more than likely that the information found within the pages of the manga can be taken as canon material.
The good news is that since I've been able to finally get a hold of the manga, there is a plan in the works with Omega, to scan each of the pages, translate the text and edit the scaned pages to make an English language version of the Xak manga. I'm rather excited about taking on this project, however it will most likely take some time to complete. But good things come to those who wait. = )